Christian LIES re: gays. The sodomy.txt consists of nothing but a pack of out-dated lies. I find it incredible that erstwhile "Christians" do not hesitate to bear "false witness" (we're talking a major sin here people) when it serves their needs. The author of most of the text file is Paul Cameron, who was disbarred and thrown out of the American Psychological Association for publishing bald-faced lies and manipulating data to falsely show what HE wanted it to show, and NOT the actual reality. Paul claims to be "chairperson" for the "Institute for the Scientific Investigation of Sexuality". Since he was thrown out of the A.P.A. for engaging in fraud and promulgating lies, Paul Cameron HIMSELF set up this so-called "Institute" and NAMED HIMSELF as "chairperson"! By this method of "creating" his own "Institute", he attempts to add credibility to his war of hates and lies. For example: Have you ever heard of the Betty Ford Clinic? If not, the clinic is for people that have drug addiction problems, and many, many celebrities have been through it. According to his methodology, a full 100% of the people there are addicted to drugs, and a huge majority are celebrities, therefore according to the way Paul Cameron manipulates his data, he would thereby declare that ALL CELEBRITIES THEREFORE ARE DRUG ADDICTS! Well, does this sound like an accurate representation of reality? If it does to you, please don't even bother finishing reading this as you lack the ability to accurately separate lies from reality. ALL of the "statistics" in the sodomy text file are lies CREATED by Paul Cameron. He loves to take the "worst-case" example from a San Francisco STD Clinic and thereby claim ALL gays are this way. Lies, pure and simple. The same applies for his joke-of-a-research paper on serial killers. Just more lies, and nothing but. There remains no doubt in my mind that any reader that even made it this far would not believe any of this. Therefore, I have a very VERY simple method of confirming my comments: Just pick up your phone and call the American Psychological Association and ask if Paul Cameron is a "member in good standing", and if not, why?